
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico

Comprehensive Paving Project in Hermosillo, Sonora

Status: Completed


In 2010, Hermosillo had a paving deficit of more than 20% of its streets. Most of the unpaved streets are located in residential neighborhoods where the roads are used on a daily basis.

The lack of paving, combined with dry and windy weather conditions, contributes to the generation of significant emissions of fugitive dust (PM10) in the Project area. The air quality in this region generates health risks linked to prolonged exposure to PM10. The strong relationship between exposure to high concentrations of particles in the air and the
incidence of respiratory illnesses has been documented in medical reports.

To address this issue, the City is undertaking a comprehensive program to increase street paving coverage in order to reduce human exposure to air pollution and provide infrastructure for transportation.


The proposed project consists of paving 1,548,668 square meters (m2) or 16,669,723 square feet (ft2) of dirt roads in the city using asphalt or cement concrete, depending upon the specific characteristics of each roadway. Construction will include gutters and curbs and, if necessary, the rehabilitation of water and wastewater lines.


Street paving will help reduce air pollution caused by vehicular dust, thus improving respiratory health conditions in the city. It will also provide safer roadways for motorists and allow faster access for emergency services, such as police, firemen and ambulances.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 68.26M
NADBank Funding US 19.61M - NADBank Loan
Other Funding Partners City of Hermosillo