
San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico

Construction of a Sanitary Landfill, Closing of Current Dumpsite, and Improvements to the Municipal Solid Waste Services in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora

Status: Completed


The City provides street sweeping, solid waste collection and final disposal services through the Municipal Solid Waste Collection Department. Street sweeping is done with mechanical sweepers that are in poor condition, and garbage is collected with trucks that have
surpassed their useful life, which results in high repair costs and inconsistent garbage collection services.

Final solid waste disposal is in an open-air dumpsite located one mile south of town that has been in operation for ten years and has exceeded its capacity, turning it into a serious environmental pollution problem due to frequent fires, gas emissions and foul odors as a result of inadequate waste management.


The project consists of:

  • Improvements in the quality, coverage and efficiency of street
  • Improvements in the solid waste collection services by redesigning
    collection routes and acquiring new collection trucks, as well as
    instituting a preventive and corrective maintenance program for
    equipment and infrastructure.
  • Construction of a sanitary landfill and closure of the open-air
  • Institutional development of the Municipal Sanitation Service

Construction of the landfill is divided into three phases. The first phase will be carried out in 2002 and includes construction of the first landfill cell, as well as acquisition of heavy machinery to operate the landfill. The rest of the phases will be completed in 2009.


The improvements in the municipal sanitation services will result in almost 100% collection coverage for city residents. In addition, closing the open-air dumpsite and providing for the proper disposal of waste will reduce contamination of soil, air and ground water resources, thus providing a healthier environment for all area residents.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 16.74M
NADBank Funding US 7.42M - NADBank Loan
US 5.94M - NADBank Grant: BEIF
Other Funding Partners Loan & Guaranty Program
Solid Waste Environment Program
Institutional Development Cooperation Program
Municipality of San Luis Colorado
Sonora State Government

Results Measurement

Results are measured upon completion of the project through a closeout process that assesses project performance within 6-12 months after completion, as well as the achievement of the goals and objectives established at the time of project certification and financing approval.


Improve Solid Waste Disposal Management

 Strengthen institutional Capacity




Increase solid waste disposal capacity


Compliance with applicable laws and regulations





Construction of a sanitary landfill


Clousure of 1 dumpsite


Acquisition of 10 collection vehicles and the rehabilitation of three existing vehicles


Acquire support equipment for the mechanical sweeping service


Significant project contributions


The landfill contributed to avoid law uncompliance for solid waste disposal