
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

Desalination Plant in San Quintin, Baja California

Status: Pre-construction


The purpose of the Project is to increase access to reliable drinking water service through the development of an additional water supply source in compliance with applicable quality standards for drinking water, contributing to the preservation of human health.


The proposed project consists of the design, construction and operation of a desalination plant with a production capacity of 250 liters per second (lps) or 5.7 million gallons per day (mgd) (the “Project”). The Project includes an arrangement of seven wells for seawater intake (6 for operation, 1 reserve), an 8.4-kilometer (5.22- mile) seawater pipeline, a 2.44-kilometer (1.51-mile) brine discharge pipeline, a 1.74-km (1.08-mile) desalinated water transmission line, a 2,000-cubic-meter (528,344-gallon) master tank, approximately an 11-km (6.9-mile) power line and two electric substations in San Quintín, Ensenada, Baja California. The Project will be implemented under a public-private partnership (PPP), and the drinking water produced by the Project will be supplied for public use in the San Quintín Valley.


The outcomes as a result of the Project include supplying a reliable drinking water supply of 250 lps (5.7 mgd) in compliance with drinking water quality standards.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 48.21M
NADBank Funding US 36.61M - NADBank Loan
Other Funding Partners CONAGUA

Results Measurement

Results are measured upon completion of the project through a closeout process that assesses project performance within 6-12 months after completion, as well as the achievement of the goals and objectives established at the time of project certification and financing approval.


The purpose of the Project is to increase access to reliable drinking water service through the development of an additional water supply source in compliance with applicable quality standards for drinking water, contributing to the preservation of human health.


The proposed project consists of the design, construction and operation of a desalination plant with a production capacity of 250 liters per second (lps) or 5.7 million gallons per day (mgd) (the “Project”). The Project includes an arrangement of seven wells for seawater intake (6 for operation, 1 reserve), an 8.4-kilometer (5.22- mile) seawater pipeline, a 2.44-kilometer (1.51-mile) brine discharge pipeline, a 1.74-km (1.08-mile) desalinated water transmission line, a 2,000-cubic-meter (528,344-gallon) master tank, approximately an 11-km (6.9-mile) power line and two electric substations in San Quintín, Ensenada, Baja California. The Project will be implemented under a public-private partnership (PPP), and the drinking water produced by the Project will be supplied for public use in the San Quintín Valley.


The outcomes as a result of the Project include supplying a reliable drinking water supply of 250 lps (5.7 mgd) in compliance with drinking water quality standards.