
Cameron County , Texas, USA

Laguna Madre Water District – Long Island Village Water and Wastewater Project in Cameron County, Texas

Status: Under construction


The existing water distribution and wastewater collection systems within the community of LIV are managed privately by the Long Island Village Owners’ Association. Both systems are over 40 years old and have exceeded their useful life. The deteriorated condition of the infrastructure results in frequent water and wastewater leaks and seepage, creating a risk to the environment and health of the community. Additionally, these systems were designed for mobile homes, but the community has been evolving into primarily permanent homes in recent years. Consequently, the pipeline sizes and connections are now substandard. 


The project consists of replacing the deteriorated water distribution and wastewater collection systems for the entire community.  The main project components include:

Drinking water distribution system: Replacement of 23,149 linear feet of 8-inch PVC waterline, replacement of 402 linear feet of 6-inch PVC waterline, installation of valves and fire hydrants, replacement of 1,024 service connections, and Installation of 1,024 water meters.

 Wastewater collection system: Replacement of 20,302 linear feet of 8-inch gravity lines, replacement of 660 linear feet of 10-inch gravity lines, replacement, rehabilitation or decommissioning of 4 lift stations, and replacement of 1,024 service connections.


The project will ensure reliable drinking water and wastewater collection services for 1,024 existing residential connections. Water system improvements will reduce the risk of leaks and line breaks, thus preventing excessive water losses, service disruptions and potential cross-contamination problems that increase the risk of waterborne diseases. Likewise, rehabilitation of the wastewater collection infrastructure will prevent leaks and system failures that could create health risks and impact local water sources due to seepage of untreated wastewater.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 20.820.8M
NADBank Funding US 20.8M - NADBank Loan