
Mexicali , Baja California, Mexico

Rehabilitation of Small Lift Stations in Mexicali, Baja California

Status: Completed


CESPM operates the water and wastewater systems for Mexicali, Mexicali Valley and San Felipe, Baja California. The Mexicali wastewater system consists of approximately 1,500 miles of sanitary sewer lines, 14 main lift stations and 22 small lift stations, serving more than 294,421 connections in the city of Mexicali with coverage reaching approximately 95.46% of households. The utility also has two wastewater treatment plants with a combined maximum capacity of more than 2,164 liters per second (lps) or nearly 50 million gallons per day (mgd).


The project consists of the rehabilitation of 12 small lift stations—Aurora, Calle G, Campestre, Centro Civico, Cipresito, Esperanza Agricola, Hidalgo, Jardines del Lago, Nueva Esperanza, Zacatecas, San Marcos and Coronado. Additionally, all lift station sites will include building improvements, such as updates to the control room, wet well rehabilitation, installation of travel hoist equipment, a perimetral fence and site improvements to accommodate access for vacuum trucks.


The project will provide adequate infrastructure that will safely convey wastewater flows to the existing treatment plants. The rehabilitated infrastructure will improve system reliability by reducing the risk of pump failures that could cause sewage overflows onto local streets and into the New River, which flows northward into the United States. Specifically, the project will help protect public health and the environment by preventing approximately 380 liters per second (lps) or 8.7 million gallons per day (mgd) of wastewater discharges.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 4.1M
NADBank Funding US 2.1M - NADBank Grant: BEIF