
Lower Valley, Texas, USA

Water and Wastewater Project (LVWD) in El Paso County, Texas

Status: Completed


The Lower Valley Water District is a conservation and reclamation district and a political subdivision of the State of Texas. Its service jurisdiction covers approximately 200 square miles in El Paso County and includes the jurisdictions of two incorporated municipalities: Socorro and San Elizario. Of the 122 colonias in El Paso County, approximately 86, with a population of about 45,000, are located within the jurisdiction of the District.

The District provides water and wastewater services in its area, including installation of hookups, delivery of water, collection of wastewater, system operations and maintenance, as well as administrative functions, such as billing, collection of fees, etc. Water and wastewater are treated by the El Paso Public Service Board (PSB).

The District is in the process of upgrading and expanding its installations in order to increase the number of customers and population served from the current 7,771 water-only customers (representing approximately 36,317 people) to nearly 20,000 water and wastewater customers (representing about 70,000 people) by the year 2015.


The District’s current water and wastewater projects have been divided
into three design and construction phases.

Phase I – This phase, which included water extensions to six subdivisions in the city of Socorro and the installation of master meters, was completed in 1994.

Phase II – This phase consisted of the construction of major wastewater
interceptors, lift stations, large diameter water transmission lines, and storage facilities.

Phase III – In this phase, major wastewater interceptors were installed within the right-of-way of the El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1, and collector mains and six lift stations were constructed. Water facilities include a booster station at the Jonathan Rogers Water Treatment Plant, transmission mains and a reservoir. Also included in this phase is the construction of wastewater collection systems and water distribution lines within many of the subdivisions in Socorro and San Elizario, as well as 1,550 residential hookups.


This project is improving the delivery and quality of potable water supply and wastewater treatment services for residents of economically distressed areas in the district, including the communities of Socorro and San Elizario, and approximately 86 colonias.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 98.36M
NADBank Funding
Other Funding Partners Border Environment Infrastructure Fund
Texas Water Development Board (TWDB)
U.S Department of Agriculture Rural Development ( USDA - RD)
Colonia Wastewater Treatment Assistance Program (CWTAP)
State Revolving Fund Loans
LVWD Revenues and Reserves
BECC Project Development Assistance Program (PDAP)