
Jim Hogg, Texas, USA

Water Treatment Plant Replacement and Water Meter Upgrades in Jim Hogg County, Texas

Status: Under construction


JHWCID2 owns and operates the local water distribution system, which serves 1,813 water customers. The supply source is groundwater from the Gulf Coast Aquifer, which has the highest levels of arsenic in the state of Texas. A recent analysis indicates that total dissolved solids (TDS) in the raw water supply also exceed the maximum contaminant level established by the state. Consequently, the water must be treated to comply with applicable state quality standards. JHWCID2 estimates that 74% of the existing 1,813 water meters are underreporting water use, which represents losses in unaccounted water of nearly 4,104,000 gallons per year, while approximately 4.3% of the meters are overreporting water use. 


The project consists of replacing one non-operational EDR desalination water treatment plant with a reverse osmosis (RO) water plant with the capacity to treat up to 1 mgd and designed to lower total dissolved solids and arsenic levels in compliance with state standards. It also includes the replacement of 1,813 old water meters with ultrasonic technology and remote reading meters.


Provide additional drinking water treatment capacity and reduce the human health risks associated with waterborne diseases, particularly by removing excess arsenic and total dissolved solids. In addition, the project will increase operational efficiency by providing more energy-efficient treatment processes and installing water meters.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 4.26M
NADBank Funding US 4.05M - NADBank Loan