
Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, Mexico

Wastewater collection and treatment project in Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas

Status: Completed


In 2007, water service coverage in Miguel Alemán and Los Guerra was at 95%, and sewer coverage was at 78%. Residents not connected to the sewer system used septic tanks, which discharged raw sewage into El Buey Creek and the Rio Grande, the main source of drinking water for Miguel Alemán and communities downstream on both sides of the river. In addition, a substantial portion of the existing wastewater collection system was in poor condition, allowing sewage to leak into the soil and potentially contaminate local groundwater. The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) built in 1967 had not been properly maintained and was no longer in operation. The untreated effluent from the plant was discharging into an irrigation canal.


Improvements to the wastewater collection system consisted of the construction of the Pino Suarez Force Main and three sewer mains using 7.58 miles of high-density polyethylene pipe, along with a new lift station and equipment for three existing lift stations to increase their flow capacity. The project also included the construction of the first phase of a lagoon-type WWTP with a design capacity of 75 liters per second (lps) or 1.71 million gallons a day (mgd). The treated effluent from the new plant is being discharged to an irrigation canal for reuse.


This project is reducing environmental and health hazards associated with inadequate sewage disposal by eliminating a source of raw wastewater discharges into the Rio Grande, thus providing a safer and healthier water supply for local residents, as well as for downstream users in both the U.S. and Mexico. In addition, the project has enabled the utility to meet current and future wastewater demand in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 6.32M
NADBank Funding US 1.54M - NADBank Grant: BEIF