San Antonio, Texas. – The North American Development Bank (NADB) signed a US$3.0 million grant agreement with the local water utility, Comisión Estatal de Servicios Públicos de Tijuana (CESPT), to partially finance a project for the rehabilitation of sewer mains and residential sewer connections in Tijuana, Baja California.
San Antonio, Texas. – President Barack Obama has appointed José Rodríguez of El Paso, Texas, to the Board of Directors of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) and the North American Development Bank (NADB). Rodríguez, a Texas State Senator, will serve as the U.S. Border State Representative on the 10-member board. The U.S.-Mexico bi-national board is comprised of three representatives from each federal government, a border state representative from each country, and a representative of the general public who resides in the border region from each country.
San Antonio, Texas. – The North American Development Bank (NADB) signed a grant agreement for up to US$450,000 with Comisión Estatal de Servicios Públicos de Tecate (CESPTE) for a project to extend water and wastewater services to unserved areas of the Piedra Angular subdivision.
Piedras Negras, Coahuila. – More than 30 representatives from both the public and private sector in the state of Coahuila are attending a seminar on solid waste management offered through the Utility Management Institute (UMI) of the North American Development Bank (NADB) in coordination with Latin American and Caribbean water center, Centro del Agua para América Latina y el Caribe (CDA), of the Monterrey Technological Institute (ITESM).
The project to be funded by a US$1.29 million grant. An estimated 30,000 gallons per day of wastewater to be collected and treated
San Antonio, Texas. – The Board of Directors of the North American Development Bank (NADB) has announced the support of the governments of the United States and Mexico for a general capital increase of US$3 billion for NADB. This amount, to be apportioned by both governments over an estimated period of five years, includes $450 million in paid-in capital and the rest in callable capital.
San Antonio, Texas. – The North American Development Bank (NADB) is pleased to announce the disbursement of loan funds for $38 million pesos to Lorean Energy Group, S.A.P.I. de C.V. for the development of the second phase of a biogas-to-energy plant in Saltillo, Coahuila.
San Antonio, Texas. – The North American Development Bank (NADB) announces the disbursement of a loan totaling US$22 million ($320 million pesos) to GS Inima Environment, S.A. for the construction a 5.7-millon gallons a day (mgd) capacity desalination plant in Ensenada, Baja California.
Company 2, LLC (IVSC 2) signed a $41 million loan for the construction of a 20-megawatt (MWAC) solar park in Niland, California. The Imperial Irrigation District will be purchasing the energy produced by this park.
Washington, D.C. – The Board of Directors of the North American Development Bank (NADB) and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) yesterday approved a resolution recommending the merger of NADB and BECC into a single institution. The proposed integration would preserve the current mission, purposes and functions of both organizations, including the environmental mandate and geographic jurisdiction of the institutions.